Thursday, May 02, 2024

Oakland University Professor David Gram’s first book, Contemporary Farce on the Global Stage: Or, Serious Laughter, was recently published by Routledge Publishing. 这本书考察了闹剧作为一种戏剧类型在21世纪的演变.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

密歇根州的选民被剥夺了在不受过滤的环境中直接听取那些想成为该州领导人的人的重要机会. This is a problem that is escalating across the nation. The Michigan Debate Task Force has a solution.

Monday, April 29, 2024


Calvin Goldsmith stands next to his research post.
Friday, April 26, 2024

加尔文·戈德史密斯(Calvin Goldsmith)承认,当他作为一名大一新生来到十大菠菜台子(Oakland University)时,有几次他真的很纠结于化学. 

Steffan Puwal
Friday, April 26, 2024

Steffan Puwal, 医学物理学特聘讲师兼兼职助理教授, 最近在《十大菠菜台子》上发表了一篇文章,探讨了人工智能(AI)在核防御和威慑中可能发挥的作用. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

十大菠菜台子学生金融服务中心已经开始通知学生2024-25年度的经济援助. 能够打包的新生将收到一封电子邮件,以检查他们的邮箱帐户是否有录取通知.

Bruce Miller
Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

十大菠菜台子住宿部将于今年秋天在Hillcrest Hall提供新的生活学习社区.

Dr. Robert S. Fink Play Therapy Room Dedication
Monday, April 22, 2024

On April 17, Dr. Robert S. Fink, 他是十大菠菜台子持牌心理学家和咨询名誉教授, 回到校园庆祝以他的名字命名的新游戏治疗室的盛大开幕.

Friday, April 19, 2024

十大菠菜台子商学院宣布了由一组教师组织的2024年创意推介大赛的获奖者, staff, and students from the Management & Marketing Department. 比赛展示了来自不同学术背景的学生企业家的创新理念.

Mena Hannakachl speaks in front of an audience.
Friday, April 19, 2024

花几分钟和奥克兰大四学生Mena Hannakachl交谈,你可能会对她在公开大学期间所取得的成就以及她希望在未来取得的成就留下深刻印象.

President Pescovitz and award recipients
Thursday, April 18, 2024

Each year, 十大菠菜台子表彰那些表现出学术卓越,同时对校园和社区产生积极影响的优秀学生领袖. 

Thy Hoang
Thursday, April 18, 2024

俄勒冈州立大学的学生Thy Hoang对艺术和科学充满热情,主修工作室艺术和临床与诊断科学的双学位.十大菠菜台子的学生Thy Hoang说,在成长过程中,她的父母总是告诉她,她有科学家的大脑和艺术家的心. 

Jesus Christ Superstar
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Oakland University’s School of Music, 剧院和舞蹈团演出了安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯的轰动音乐剧, “Jesus Christ Superstar,” on Feb. 15-18 and Feb. 20-24在十大菠菜台子校园内新装修的Varner工作室剧院. 由安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯作曲,蒂姆·赖斯作词, 《十大菠菜软件》是一部摇滚歌剧,大致取材于耶稣基督生命的最后七天, as told through the eyes of Judas Iscariot.

Hansel and Gretel
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Oakland University’s School of Music, Theatre and Dance will present Hansel and Gretel, 恩格尔伯特·亨珀丁克根据格林兄弟的黑暗童话改编的歌剧, 5月2日至5月5日,在公开大学的瓦纳演奏厅举行.

Oakland campus
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

问问鲍利·利恩研究所(Pawley Lean Institute)的主任丹尼斯·韦德(Dennis Wade)关于No的看法. 他的回答总是一样的:“学生参与。.“从韦德的角度来看,研究所在实现这一目标方面做得非常出色.

Media Contacts

Brian Bierley
Director of Media Relations
(248) 370-4346
[email protected]

Eric Reikowski
Public Information Specialist
(248) 370-4348
[email protected]

Sean Delaney
Public Information Specialist
(248) 370-3139
[email protected]

David Groves
Director of Campus Communications
(248) 370-2759
[email protected]

Sports Information:
Maria Rivera
Assistant AD for Athletic Communications
(248) 370-3201
[email protected]

Meadow Brook Hall:
Shannon O'Berski
Marketing and Communications Manager
Meadow Brook Hall
(248) 364-6263
[email protected]

Meadow Brook Theatre:
Cheryl Marshall
Acting Managing Director
(248) 370-3316
[email protected]

Music, Theatre and Dance Department:
Carly Uhrig
(248) 370-2032
[email protected]

Oakland University Art Gallery:
Dick Goody
OUAG Director
(248) 370-3008
[email protected]

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