
OU CAS faculty well-represented on Stanford list of top scientists

professors, scientists, 斯莱文, garfinkle, zeigler-hill, seeley, shackeford, Yang, stanford



OU CAS faculty well-represented on Stanford list of top scientists
十大菠菜台子 physics professors 大卫Garfinkle (left), 戈帕兰·斯里尼瓦桑(中), 杨霞 (right) 和 安德烈•斯莱文 (not pictured) were all named to the top 2% of scientists list published by Stanford 大学.

The 十大菠菜台子 physics department features some of the top scientists in the world according to the list of the top 2% of scientists published by Stanford 大学.

四个活跃的奥克兰物理学教授 格帕兰Srinivasan, 大卫Garfinkle, 安德烈•斯莱文杨霞 made the list as well as Professor Emeritus Bradley Roth 和 Distinguished Professor 迈克尔Chopp, who was listed under Henry Ford Hospital where he also works 和 does research.

“Our department is unusually strong in scientific research,夏说. “This list of top scientists just shows you that the faculty of the Department of Physics are truly the leading scientists in their respective fields worldwide, 并积极从事研究工作.”

The list published by Stanford is based on statistics from Scopus (Elsevier’s abstract 和 citation database) 和 information updated through the 2022 citation year, using the ICSR Lab provided by Elsevier’s International Center for the Study of 研究.

"请注意五位物理教授, 包括Chopp, 排名低于100,000, which means we are actually among that top 1% of scientists,斯拉文说. “The fact the Physics department has five people in the top 1% of the world’s scientists means we are only hiring the best researchers 和 creating a climate to retain them at 奥克兰.

“I would like to thank the OU administration for letting us do what we believe is right for our department, 和 helping us be successful in our respective research fields.”


Slavin’s research is on the theory of spin waves propagating in magnetically ordered materials.

“这项工作对磁记录技术很重要, for advanced signal processing at high frequencies 和 for the development of ultra-fast artificial intelligence systems,斯拉文说.

Srinivasan’s research is on smart materials 和 he said it’s supported by the National Science Foundation 和 the Department of Defense.

“My research is on smart materials that are used for a variety of applications including sensors for medical imaging, 能量收获, 以及用于雷达的部件, communication devices (4G/5G wireless networks for phones),斯里尼瓦桑说. “Materials synthesis, device design 和 characterization are all done in-house.”


“特别是, 我对黑洞的性质很感兴趣, the big bang origin of the universe 和 gravitational radiation,加芬克尔说. “The physical laws governing these phenomena are the Einstein field equations, 我是通过计算机模拟来学习的吗.”

Xia’s research concentrates on the discovery 和 validation of pre-clinical imaging biomarkers for osteoarthritis.

“Our research can be applied directly to clinical diagnostics 和 therapy, 还有生物工程,夏说. “I have been funded by NIH (National Institutes of Health) since 1999. My lab is truly unique in high-resolution imaging research, since we have five microscopic imaging systems that sit next to each other in our labs, 和 we know each instrument thoroughly 和 have developed quantitative protocols on each system. Since these instruments are universal (not just for osteoarthritis research), we can study all kinds of scientific 和 technical problems.”


奥克兰’s 文理学院 had three other active professors on the list of top 2% of scientists: psychology professors 托德·沙克尔福德维吉尔富有 化学教授 约翰五世. 斯利.

“能被列入这份名单是我的荣幸, among so many highly impactful researchers from whom I have great respect,沙克尔福德说.


“I apply Darwin's theory of natural selection to underst和 the ‘design’ of human psychology,沙克尔福德说. “为什么思维是这样构建的?? 答案往往隐藏在我们的进化史中.”


Zeigler-Hill is a social-personality psychologist with primary research interests in four interrelated areas: self-esteem, 自恋, cognitive representations of the self 和 interpersonal relationships.

“It is a tremendous honor to be included on this list alongside such incredible scholars from around the world,齐格勒-希尔说.

“My research primarily focuses on the more aversive aspects of personality (e.g., 自恋, 心理变态, spitefulness) 和 their connections with interpersonal behaviors, 社会认知, 和动力,Zeigler-Hill补充道. “I also conduct research that involves self-esteem 和 interpersonal relationships (e.g.(恋爱关系).”

约翰五世. 斯利

斯利’s research group focuses on developing methods for characterizing complex mixtures of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). 在过去的三年里, they have created a novel multidimensional gas chromatography system that can separate 和 quantify over one hundred compounds in less than 10 minutes.

The 文理学院 also had four retired professors on the list: biology professor Barkur Shastry, 生物学名誉教授查尔斯·林德曼, Chemistry Distinguished Professor Michael Sevilla 和 Anthropology Professor Emeritus Dorothy Nelson.


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